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The rules to the competition were fairly simple. Each robot started on one side of the playing surface, in their respective build-zones. The robots would then have to make their way to the central block depot using whatever method their makers thought best (most teams followed the tape laid out on the table top). Once at the block depot, the robots would pick up a block and carry it back to their build zone. The robots were only allowed to carry one block at a time, making it necessary to return many times to the block depot. Once in their build zones, the robots would place their blocks in a way to maximize the points they earned. Points were given in the following manner: the first two blocks in a stack counted for one point each. Each subsequent block placed on this tower counted for four points. For the points to count, the tower had to remain free-standing for five seconds. The game ended when a team had accumulated ten points or the two minute running time had elapsed, whichever came first.

Competition Rules

Playing surface used in the competition

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